Welcome to studio71 art
All art on this site is copyrighted. You may not copy or download without the permission of Studio71art.
High-quality Custom Framing is our specialty. We offer framing for your artwork of all sizes and types.
These include but are not limited to:
Original Paintings
Canvas Stretching
All Types of Memorabilia
Showcase Acrylic Boxes
Military Flag Cases
Custom Mirrors
Floater Frame
Diplomas and Certificates.
To Place an Order, Click Below:

Our Gallery is now Virtual (online)
Studio 71 Art Gallery, an oasis of excellence is presented here virtually
Most of the gallery's collection is done by the talented artist and master craftsman, Mr. Ben Maccabee, and his professional staff of Certified Custom Framers. His natural artistic ability earned him a full scholarship to the Art Institute of Chicago in 1979, where his talents were nurtured, and his skill soared. This led to the birth of the gallery in 2005.